Thursday, March 13, 2008

Tips for Speech Writing

By Ronald Tulit

The pen truly is mightier than the sword and if you don't believe it just turn on your TV set. Day after day and minute by minute we are bombarded be speeches, whether it is a politician trying to win your vote or a corporate representative vying for your business. The fact is, that in this information age that we all live in time is money and money is time and conveying information is an art form that if mastered can mean you can live the life you have always dreamed about with the rich and powerful dependent on you for your word crafting skills.

Every speech that is written is not a victory speech and that is why a truly great speech writer can rise to any occasion to answer the given needs of the person giving the speech. John F. Kennedy's Bay of Pigs disaster speech is a prime example of a speech that was written to deal with the a horrible situation that had arisen. To this day if you were to ask someone who was around back then what happened, they will all recall the speech that was given almost word for word but no one will be able to tell you what the Bay of Pigs disaster was all about.

It is all due to the mastery of John F. Kennedy's speech writers and credit should be given where credit is due. Then once in a life time a speech writer can instill a question that truly has no answer. Perhaps you can recall Bill Clinton response to the publics questions regarding his dalliances with Monica Lewinsky and to this day the debate rages on as to whether oral sex is actually sex. Somewhere is a speech writer that can rightfully claim credit for creating this endless debate and no doubt he will never run out of work.

Written by Ronald Tulit. Find the latest information on Speech Writing

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