Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Want To Become A Great Speaker?

By Zohra Sarwari

Learn How In Five Easy Steps!

Don't think public speaking skills are important? Well, think again. Public speaking is crucial for just about's crucial for students in school, for workers, for personal events.

Did you know...

• Most people would rather die than speak in public?

• The number one fear most people have is public speaking.

As Jerry Seinfeld points out, this means that people would rather be the guy in the casket than the person responsible for delivering the eulogy at a funeral! Pretty crazy, right?

And those who have to speak regularly - like business executives and students - either put the whole thing off until the last minute and winging it, or they delegate the task to someone else.

Strangely enough, though, there are many reasons that people should be involved in public speaking. The most important reason is that public speaking is the only sure-fire way of getting yourself heard and potentially making a difference in the world. Everyone from politicians to top celebrities makes public speeches regularly to make their sentiments known on specific topics.

Hopefully, you're seeing the significance of public speaking at this point. If you're not convinced how important this activity is, well, you try getting your voice heard any other way.

Once you recognize that public speaking is a very important past time for anyone who wants to make a difference, you can apply these five tips to become an effective public speaker:

1. Be Charming:

A charming person has the power to make other people feel important. To be charming is to focus your attention, thoughts, and actions on others. To be charming in any situation, monitor your thoughts, and change any negative thoughts to positive ones, channeling positive thoughts to focus on your audience.

2. Be Charismatic:

By being charismatic you are being expressive and opening up to all those listening to you. You're showing your passion, and love for whatever it is that you're talking about. People will be able to feel what you're saying, instead of just hearing the words.

3. Know your Niche:

Be knowledgeable about your subject matter. Know what you're talking about inside out. Study it, then try to make speeches from your mind and heart.

4. Make an outline for each presentation:

People are visual learners so making an outline for your presentation will help to offer a visual representation. An outline can also be a framework for your talk and a marketing piece for potential clients.

5. Contact Non-Profits and Professional Groups:

Let people know that you are out there for speaking engagements. Contact Speaking Bureaus and let them know of your specialty and availability. Some might charge a fee; others might take a percentage for acting as your agent. Either way, you'll have the opportunity to get some much needed experience as a public speaker.

Implement all of these steps and get ready to become as a great speaker!

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